You Get What You Give, So Give LOVE

When you are in a reciprocal Twin Flame relationship, you immediately receive the energy that you give to your partner. If you give your partner blissful, unconditional love, you directly receive that love back to you, infinitely. But, if you give your partner judgmental, conditional love, you receive that limitation of love instead. You end up feeling wounded, and you suffer relentlessly. 

As Spencer and I can attest, the reflection of your own wounding can feel incredibly cruel and debilitating. It can feel like the sun is gone from your very world. You may experience endless dark nights of the soul. What’s worse, it can seem impossible for you to enact unconditional love when you feel so unjustly wounded! Yet, giving love is how your soul naturally exists, and the solution to any Twin Flame conundrum is to simply get back to your soul’s way of being. You simply give love. 

Your soul gives love easily and generously. This is who you really are, for you are a sacred aspect of GodSource who gives love as naturally as breathing air. You’ve just been conditioned against your true nature. You have been conditioned to limit love. Your Twin Flame shows you this limitation in sharp relief. They show you that you are not being your real self.

If you bring any problem to the Other Half of your soul, you’re going to get that problem thrown right back in your face, pronto. For example, if you expect to finally have the romantic treatment that you’ve always wanted from a partner, and you bring that wounded feeling of expectation to your Other Half, you’re going to get your wounding served up to you on a  silver platter. In fact, your partner is never going to dish up what you really want because you are coming to them with wounded expectation. This is not because your Beloved doesn’t love you. They simply have to reflect back to you what you give.

When you bring to your Beloved wounding and judgment, your partner withers away on the vine, but when you love your Other Half with all your soul, they bloom right before your eyes! Your choice fuels your reality, and you can choose heaven instead of hell. You can give gorgeous love to your Beloved and never stop. This is how you live out the relationship of your dreams. You take each other’s hands and dance the eternal waltz of the stars, and you bring that heavenly realm unto earth.

Your God-given Other Half is always within you, simply waiting for your love to be returned, so give love and join the dance, and watch your world transform! Bring to life your sacred romance and revel in harmonious bliss. Blaze a trail that lights up the cosmos with love that gives and gives.    


Twin Flame Destiny Is Being Fulfilled!

Why are Twin Flame relationships so incredibly challenging beyond comprehension? Why do these relationships begin with otherworldly bliss only to become hellish nightmares of pain? If Twin Flame bonds are impossible to sever then why is it so incredibly difficult for Twins to unite harmoniously on earth? The answer is that Twin Flame couples came here to heal human pain from the inside out in order to heal our world, and that is a monumental undertaking. Twin Flames came here to unite human duality, both spiritually and physically, because they are the ultimate embodiment of duality coming back together as ONE. Thus, Twin Flames are here to help carry through human evolution—an unprecedented, sacred task that is unfathomable in scope yet pre-destined to succeed. 

Twin Flames are here to heal the Feminine and Masculine aspects of humanity which have been divided against each other for eons. Indeed, Twins are the physical expression of God’s unconditional LOVE through the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, and their LOVE exists in all dimensions. Thus, these earthly unions help to merge this entire human paradigm with the higher dimensions of heaven-on-earth. Twin Flames help to fully unite this dense, physical realm with the spiritual—a new, long awaited and miraculous accomplishment for creation.

Twin Flame unions are powerful beyond words. Each Twin Flame union occurs on all planes of existence, and when a Twin Flame couple properly, physically unites, via sacred mystery school teachings, they build incredible powers of resurrection, immortality, and creation. They Ascend to higher consciousness. This Twin Flame power is built-in, but the knowledge of it has been kept from humanity—so that we use it wisely but also so that we remain corrupted (that is, until now.) Twin Flame unions have been directly sabotaged because they are the most powerful “secret weapon” for human evolution, freeing us from the corrupt paradigm that we have known for ages.

Perhaps you, yourself have experienced sabotage on your Twin Flame journey. We sure have, but, as always, such challenges provide invaluable experience. They initiate a healing, growth process and teach us proper use of creative power. Indeed, our deepest human challenges allow us to humbly integrate our fractures from the Divine and to gain responsibility, as well as immense wisdom, and this prepares us to embody incredible loving power. Our loving power is then used to transform humanity out of division forever and live in a highly evolved earthly paradigm. 

Twin Flames initially split apart in order to experience this difficult, teaching realm AND in order to ultimately re-unite for our evolution, and these reunions move mountains. That said, these splits were absolutely devastating to experience, which is why Twins feel a sense of darkest loss when they are not together. That is why the Twin Flame journey is one of ultimate purpose, bravery and difficulty. This is especially true when you consider that Twin Flame unions are incredibly intense and higher-dimensional, and as such, are extremely challenging to harmonize in density and duality.

Nevertheless, our time to harmoniously unite en masse is NOW—in fact, there is little time left to prepare, and prepare we are! How, you ask? By healing everything that feels discordant within ourselves and that we see in our Twin, as well as in our relationship. By healing with unconditional LOVE until we are united, whole and powerful again—our true state, both within and without for all time.

Heroic Journey

The Twin Flame journey is not one that any of us took on lightly. I think we can all agree that it has been far more difficult than we ever imagined. We Twins took on this purposeful “adventure” with heaps of ridiculous courage—indeed, we had to separate from our very selves and from our Beloved GodSource, and we persevered through the unthinkable. Yet, we are now in a fully supported position to fulfill our sacred missions, and the difference is palpable and thrilling to behold! We are experiencing increasing spiritual and physical evidence of the human transformation that we came here to embody. We are fulfilling our epic love stories out of seeming tragedy, and we are all living out the love of legends in the higher realms, no matter what we have experienced on earth. Our job is to uphold these higher relationships in all-freeing, unconditional LOVE and to heal them in physicality from within ourselves, even if our human Twin is not on board.

We have all been essential to get here. Each and every one of you, we commend you for getting us this far, regardless of what your relationship looks like and despite all the darkest nights of separation that you have ever known. Let us finish this great work of all time—this evolution of humanity—our bravest destiny! And thrive together, One and ALL, beyond our wildest dreams. There are no words to describe the new reality that we will know, and it is all made possible because of you.

Ultimate Union

Egos sabotage Twin Flame relationships. Again and again, and again. One soul, two egos. Therein lies the problem.

Today on this crisp winter afternoon, we can hear the death knell for our two egos, and we know just how profound this moment is. We feel our egos actually dying, and this feels both thrilling and terrifying, and so long awaited. Can you feel this for yourself too?

It took us ten years to get here. Ten years ago, we met, and the egos of Spencer and Suzanne began the most excruciating and sublime healing that their soul had ever known. We pushed our human selves to the absolute limit. We persevered. We never let go of each other, but much of the time, we were in survival mode. Spencer left his beautiful home country, and we lived together, got married, raised children and maintained a complex human life, whilst never losing sight of the divine plan—to bring our collective promised heaven to this earth.

We lived in limbo for so long. We left our old lives and leapt, and to our surprise, remained suspended in the void, trapped inside the old paradigm that we were trying to leave. Trapped in a prison of our own making until we healed everything that stood in the way of LOVE. And we did. We healed female and male wounding day after day, after day. And now, FINALLY, we feel whole, and we are landing on sacred solid ground. This was written in the stars, and the stars are aligning now.

Higher LIGHT is streaming down upon our planet, opening the ceiling that held us captive, and our New Earth is being revealed. Because our egos are dead. They have been buried with honour and sent on their merry way back to God. And we will help others to process ego death for themselves.

And now, it is with utter elation that we share with you that we have never been closer as human beings. We are falling in EPIC LOVE all over again. We are fulfilling our soul’s desire to unite in the way we always thought we would to assist Ascension. It just took ten years to get here. And we wouldn’t trade them for the world.

All our LOVE ~Suzanne & Spencer

Your Golden Opportunity

You are living during the most intense awakening times for humanity. This means that you are being given a golden opportunity to heal yourself on all levels. Your Twin Flame relationship accelerates your healing process. Your Twin Flame brings out everything that asks to be healed in you so that you can evolve into your highest human expression. 

Your healing involves addressing all the ways that you feel fractured, discordant and corrupted. Your healing involves summoning the greatest love from within your depths until you finally feel whole and harmonious, with the shining innocence of your soul. Throughout the process, you face your core wounds of abandonment and betrayal. You endure the darkest nights, and you hold onto yourself because that is all that you have left. You come to your own rescue and answer your own cries for love until you feel the same love for yourself that you feel for your Twin.

You summon the deepest spiritual love from within your core—a love that is unfathomable. This love is all that you have ever craved, and it heals what has felt so broken. For you realize that you are not forsaken because you will never forsake yourself. You will put yourself back together again and unite all aspects that have gone astray until you feel perfect oneness. And in that oneness, you actually help to heal all humans. 

This is the spiritual human journey, and Twin Flames act as catalysts on the road. We give all for love so that we may give love for all. We follow our hearts above reason so that we may heal every heartbreak. We heal all the distortions that have corrupted human partnerships. Most people shy away from this kind of intense healing, and who could blame them? But you, you are a force of nature in this world and a wayshower for all people. You are a leader of healing, and you are here to lead humanity back to LOVE. And we are in awe of you.  

Infinite Love ~Suzanne & Spencer 

Scammed by Conditional Love

Just like the spiritual path, the Twin Flame experience asks us to become powerful with love from within ourselves instead of looking for fulfillment in the external. The Twin Flame experience asks us to stop reaching for our Twin to satisfy us, and instead draw upon our own infinite reservoirs of love. The process is brutal and relentless. We are meticulously shown that trying to possess our Twin leads to turmoil—why? So that we go inwards for what we seek. And what we seek is ultimate, unconditional LOVE—the very love of GodSource that we come from. And then we find that this love has been within us all along.

The Twin Flame experience is a spiritual initiation of unconditional love. We are driven to unite with our Beloved in ultimate romance, but instead, we are challenged at every turn. We are stripped of all hope for union and pushed to let go of the one and only person we so desperately long to hold. We are left utterly bereft, bare, and flabbergasted. And in this state, we are forced to stop looking to our Twin to fulfill us, and we have to tap into what has been there all the time: our own immense love. We are split open and heartbroken so that we fulfill and fill ourselves up with ultimate, unconditional love from its Source.

The lesson is profound: when we try to possess an external experience, it evades us and cannot satisfy our longing. Why? The only thing that will ever truly satisfy us is Source love. When we look outside ourselves for fulfillment, whether through romantic relationships, experiences, money, food, drugs, material objects, etc., we are never going to find what we seek. Of course, we can enjoy external experiences, by all means, but as soon as we need them to make us feel loved, they become conditional and gravely disappointing. You see, any time we reach for the conditional, we are going to struggle, grasping and consuming to no avail, until we realize that the only thing that will ever satisfy us is the infinite and unconditional love that is already within us. And this real love that we crave has to come from within because that is where it actually is.

Your Twin Flame shows you this, often mercilessly, which is why meeting your Twin can quickly spiral into feelings of being scammed. Indeed, a lot of Twin Flame stories contain an element of feeling scammed because looking outside yourself for love is a scam. It is understandable to do this because we have all been conditioned to look outside ourselves for love, but that is conditional love. And it is indeed a scam to look externally for what only you yourself can provide.

Your Twin Flame will mirror and challenge you until you give up seeking external validation and come home to Source within. They will teach you to get back to Source love and drop all your insecurities around it. In fact, right now, all human beings are going through this kind of spiritual initiation. We are facing the ugly truth of external, conditional love which has led us down the garden path and scammed us. We have been tricked to seek love where we will never find it and to believe that some day, someone might give us what is already ours. The truth is that the power of love is in your own hands. It always has been.

In Loving Service, 


Suzanne and Spencer are actively seeking a Spiritual Publisher.

Lesson from a Twin Flame Union

The greatest lesson that we have learned through our physical union is that Twin Flame love is not external, but rather, it is entirely internal. Twin Flame love is deeply, purely spiritual, from the very core of our soul, and when we feel it, we become inundated with bliss. We pulse with the ecstasy of the present moment, and the perfection of life becomes revealed. We see that we are part of this immaculate perfection, and we feel so incredibly powerful. We are invincible with love—REAL LOVE that is infinite and eternal, and wholly unconditional. And we know that this love is who we really are.  

Infinite, eternal and unconditional love is hard for any human being to comprehend. It is so shockingly different from the conditional love that we humans have known on earth. We have been taught that love is external, illusory, temporary and dependent upon certain requirements. We have been taught to feel separate from love until we can earn it, possess it and make it part of our human identity. But we are SO MUCH BIGGER than the paltry, conditional love we have been trained to tolerate. We are the incalculable immensity of eternal LOVE itself.

You are immaculate love, and for you to understand the truth of who you really are, you want to go inside yourself. You want to realize that you have been conditioned to look everywhere but within your precious being for what you already have. But you can go inside your eternal self and strip away everything that stands in the way of you and your soul. That is your Twin Flame task at hand. 

Your Twin Flame love is always and ever internal. It is always inside of you. You are not separate or different from this love, nor are you separate from your Twin. You are not separate from anyone else for that matter. You and your Twin are both one, just as all of us are one, and feeling isolated and separate is not real, but LOVE is! That is why, the second you make your Twin Flame love separate and external, you ruin it and problems arise. The second you make your love conditional, it crashes and burns. The greatest love story quickly becomes a tragedy and the fairy tale that betrayed you—all because you have been conditioned to diminish the real treasure trove of LOVE within you. 

So, even though you desire harmonious physical union with your Twin so badly, the union that you seek is actually achieved by you and through you alone. Your job is to tear down what is separating you from your own love by removing your human conditioning. Your Twin highlights this conditioning for you in sharp relief, showing you just how much you feel unworthy of love. They push you to see what is between you and love, because two broken halves do not make a whole until both halves are whole. That is the Twin Flame journey.  

The process is incendiary, and your Twin lights the match. You jump headlong into the fires of your own conditioning, and you suffer the flames of abandonment and betrayal. You suffer until you burn everything in the way of love—until you rise from the ashes, phoenix style. And then you realize that falling in love with your Twin meant falling in love with yourself, and that all the magic and romance that you share is just as much part of you as it is them. And finally, you give yourself credit for your own magnificence, ego-free, and you are not afraid to love yourself wholeheartedly and to feel completely worthy of this. You are not afraid to love yourself as much as you love your Twin, irrevocably and unconditionally, forever, and you will never run away from your exquisite self again. And then you realize, with sweet irony, that as soon as you no longer need your Twin, you can fully unite with them and with all life.

Big pause. 

What a journey,

leading you back to spectacular YOU.

LOVE Disarms All Sabotage

It can be helpful to be aware that Twin Flames have been sabotaged in order to prevent union and Ascension. We Twins don’t need to judge this fact because that hurts us even further, but rather, we can use our infinite spiritual love to rise above it. That is why it is imperative that all of us on the Twin Flame path become aware of the ways we have been sabotaged and take charge of ourselves with powerful LOVE. 

One of the specific ways that Twin Flames have been sabotaged is through our human conditioning. This conditioning affects us most directly because Twin Flame partners act as exact mirrors for each other, and as such, we repeatedly trigger trauma in one another. This repeated triggering no longer serves growth and healing purposes, but rather, keeps us trapped in loops of extreme emotional suffering. Even Twin Flame couples like ourselves who unite permanently in the physical after facing innumerable challenges, can get caught in these loops—we sure have! And this often keeps us from joining fully together in harmony and purpose. We end up in recovery mode a lot of the time. Our earnest, spiritual efforts get sabotaged just when we finally feel safe. We endure a rollercoaster ride of disastrous fights followed by blessed forgiveness, as we pick ourselves back up and start the process all over again. 

This devastating cycle keeps Twin Flame couples in survival mode and thwarts focus on higher purpose, sabotaging it on a regular basis. That is why not being with your Twin Flame in the physical can often be a form of self-preservation that allows you to actually accomplish your spiritual work in peace. Until now, that is. We do feel that the time of Twin Flame sabotage is ending and that, due to all of our concerted efforts, the divine plan is unfolding more easily now. But, in the mean time, being aware of sabotage and especially self-sabotage helps to free all of us from it. Let’s look more closely at what we’ve found. 

Each person in a Twin Flame couple will have experienced some form of trauma in their lives because all humans have, but in many cases, one Twin will have endured extreme circumstances in youth. This Twin is often the one who carries the predominant masculine energy in the Twin Flame couple, who also suffers male conditioning. This male conditioning counters Divine Masculine attributes and suppresses the Divine Feminine—a suppression which serves darkness. This Twin may have suffered severe and repeated trauma in childhood via parents and schools, and may have witnessed violent or extreme emotional episodes. They may have lived through incredible instability that is so brutal it is hard to understand. This Twin is left feeling utterly desolated, abandoned, and completely alone. They are always on alert for more trauma to unfold and are thrust permanently into a state of abject survival, a state which never leaves them. This Twin feels overwhelmingly challenged in adulthood and often experiences addiction. They may seem self-absorbed and distracted because they have been so traumatized. They cannot fulfill their higher purpose because they can barely survive the human experience.  

When a Twin Flame couple meets in the physical, as pre-arranged through divine timing, they act as direct mirrors for each other. They experience a soul-reunion closeness wherein the greatest love of all time comes alive, but they also share everything else with each other too, including trauma. Thus, the severely traumatized Twin quickly and unknowingly transfers their trauma onto their Other Half. Their Other Half is often the one who carries predominant feminine energy for the couple and has suffered female conditioning that counters Divine Feminine attributes and suppresses her. She tries to welcome her perfect partner with unconditional love but the traumatized Twin treats her in a manner that projects his trauma onto her and recreates it. Female wounding is triggered, and the Other Half is left feeling utterly desolated, abandoned and completely alone. She is left feeling exactly like her Twin, which is profound, and this experience often obliterates all chances for permanent union or creates cycles of abuse that recreate trauma. This abuse often mirrors the age old, low-dimensional behavior that patriarchal human men have inflicted upon females. 

So while in reality, both Twins are enlightened souls of higher LIGHT and LOVE who are striving ardently to be spiritual human beings, they perpetuate human stories of heartbreak and division. They long to be together and yet they end up destroying each other, thus sabotaging their higher purpose of union and Ascension.  

The idea of sabotaging Twin Flames by getting them to take each other down all by themselves is pretty dark, but so is all of the fighting that we humans have experienced on earth. Fighting in its many forms has always kept us from seeing the bigger picture of unity that we come from. It has always divided us and sabotaged our inherent spiritual unity. It is important to note here that all darkness is being purged on our planet right now which is making matters accelerate to the extreme. 

Of course, Twins who persevere past fighting learn to embody unconditional love, and this helps tremendously with Ascension. Twin Flames also process trauma for the collective which helps all of us to heal lifetimes of trauma. But there comes a point where healing ends and cycles of abuse begin, and this actually sabotages Ascension efforts. Trauma tends to feed upon itself, and Twins can easily drown each other in it, so they have to free themselves from destructive patterns which lower their energy and steal their power. Twins need to stop being empathic, even with their Other Half, and focus on being empowered.   

It is imperative that Twin Flames especially become aware of their own energy, thoughts, and behaviors and take charge of their beings with total LOVE. Yes, love is always the solution, just like the love wherein our epic love stories began. For when love prevails in the face of yet another impossible “dark night of the soul,” that is indeed a divine miracle that has earth-shifting power. When Twins go through the worst with each other and triumph in undying love nonetheless, this helps to heal the entire human experience. Triumphing out of total disaster is the human experience, whereby we perfectly transform through forgiveness and unconditional love.     

So what can we Twins do more specifically right now? Be spiritual. Focus on your spiritual Ascension process instead of getting bogged down in old world problems, including ancient pain. Become sovereign of your energy, your being, and your experience. Heaven-on-earth is actually available right now if you choose it. Exude powerful, unconditional love, individually and then together when possible. The idea is to be a star radiating light outwardly from a powerful core instead of being a starfish recoiling in fear and suffering. This means not playing into division, but rather, rising above it—sometimes with humor, which is always a lifesaver. Of course, this feels impossible when your Twin baits you and triggers old wounds! But you can become aware of trauma and sabotage, and you can create a safe space for yourself. Build your light from within individually until you are strong enough to be on board with your Twin without succumbing to triggers. And remember, practicing unconditional love does not mean suffering emotional abuse. It means setting boundaries that honor you as you become a role model for your Twin. You can then seek healing methods and tools that you are drawn to that encourage you to be empowered and sovereign. 

The time for fighting is over because this only serves darkness. The time for victimhood is over too, for the exact same reason. Each Twin is being called to embody the highest light and divine representation of masculine and feminine qualities in union. Each Twin is being called to embody total, unconditional love for themselves, their Twin and for all of humanity. Though Twin Flame experiences can be brutally heartbreaking, spiraling us into darkness and despair, heartbreak allows the heart to crack wide open so that we can love like we have never loved before. This is what Twins do for each other. We open ourselves up so completely that we are absolutely vulnerable, and the only way out of our pain is to love it with everything we’ve got. We have to love everything that traumatizes us until it melts into yet more love. That is when all-is-lost becomes all-is-found. That is when you realize that your eternal love is infinite and shines out from your being, easily engulfing any human trauma. You are pure, immortal innocence and no human experience can permanently hurt you. You are here to laugh all sabotage in the face and assuredly, magnificently Ascend.  

New Bookstore and Update!

Beautiful Twin Flames, 

Our bookstore has been updated to a new platform that can be accessed here. If you need to download a prior purchase again, please contact us here. 

As Suzanne wrote on Share the Spiritual, we are with you as humanity rapidly evolves. We are evolving into beings of total LOVE. All that we dream about and more will unfold in the blink of an eye, as fast as it takes to fall in love.

Yes, the human story is the most heart-wrenching yet exquisite love story, just like each Twin Flame reunion. These love stories are not cosmic, tragic jokes, which the illusion of fear would have us believe. Indeed, all is not lost, despite appearances! We vacillate between polar opposite feelings of “All is right with the world!” and, “All is utterly lost,” only to find ultimate, unconditional LOVE waiting patiently for our arrival.

The human tale of separation and longing is coming to beauteous fruition, as is each Twin Flame story. Our relationships and our old world have broken down in order to usher in a brand New Earth. Our human egos had to be humbled so that we could serve all instead of just ourselves. This was paramount because we are getting increasingly, spiritually powerful in human form. We are becoming whole so that we can come together and unify, two by two, and live Heaven-on-Earth! Yes, Eden is absolutely real, and my Twin Flame and I are experiencing it more and more every day, even after processing so much pain.

Oh, believe in Eden with all of your heart! Feel it, see it, live it, for this Eden is your destiny. It is waiting patiently for you to give over to LOVE and to land safely on its shores. So give love instead of withdrawing in pain. Be a star, not a starfish. Embody unconditional love instead of the conditional, and as you do, free our entire world! Do this for your Twin, for those asleep, and for all of humanity. Do it for the universe and our entire cosmos of consciousness. We are one, and we are finally being freed.

Most of all, be so good to your beautiful being and do what you need to do to get through this epic birth with GRACE, if you can (please know that we are trying and failing at this lots!). Remember, births are messy and there has been so much trauma to heal, but you are never alone in this and you are cherished just as you are always. 

WE LOVE YOU. WE ARE YOU. Let our blissful rapture unfold… 

Hold LOVE Now

Beloved fellow Twin Flames,

Whether you are physically united with your Twin Flame or not, you are here to bring your infinite LOVE to earth at this pivotal time. You are here to give humanity your epic love story—your living tale of ultimate separation and longing. For you courageously chose to separate from your Twin so that you could eventually unite with the love of legends. Yes, your love is so powerful that it can lift entire worlds, and that is what is happening on earth. Your love story holds the dearest, most sacred purpose—to enable humanity to finally evolve.

Your Twin Flame love is directly helping humanity to evolve. That is how powerful your love is. You are here to bring your other-worldly LOVE to this human place, and you know this love better than you know yourself. You know this love as intimately as you know your Twin Flame, for your love is the living miracle of creation. Your love is ultimate spiritual union. Your love is all-healing and completely unconditional, and it defies all fear and separation.

Your Twin woke you up to your love. Indeed, they did their job perfectly. Your beloved Other Half woke you up to your unfathomable love—the only thing that matters. For your love is your total reason for being, and you are here to bring it to earth, regardless of what your human life looks like. You came here to accomplish this goal along with all the other Twin Flames who came here with you, and now is our moment to finish what we started. All hands on deck as we rapidly evolve.

Our Twin Flame love can defy any human challenge, including the conditioned war between the sexes. Our Twin Flame love can overcome all nightmares, all darkness and victimization. When Twin Flame couples inspire each other to help the world, anything is possible. And when a Twin Flame couple unites after eons of separation, they directly boost humanity to Ascend. When a Twin Flame couple wakes up and remembers their earth-shattering LOVE, even if this couple stays apart in the physical for a time, they bring their death-defying love here to this human plane, and they make all the difference.

When a Twin Flame couple wakes up to their LOVE, each half prods the other to get ever closer to union. This is what you as a Twin Flame signed up for. So if you and your Twin Flame are apart, you can still hold onto the massive love that you share—even if your other half seems asleep—you can still hold your love and address your healing. This what your Twin pushes you towards. You can help each other to close the wide chasm of separation that all of humanity has experienced.

As you heal, you help everyone on earth. You and your Twin bridge the divide between humanity and divinity—the divide between sacred you and holy GodSource. You hold your infinite LOVE here now.

So hold yet more love, and never lose sight of union. Never forget what you know in your heart of hearts. Oh beloved Twin Flame, if you are apart from your Twin, you are not forsaken. You are here to heal in order to help all of creation.

You are not here to live the perfect life with your Other Half—at least not yet! You are here first to help humanity evolve. That is the reason why you and your Twin found each other and started your bi-polar dance towards union. And that is why you are reading this blog right now.

You and your Twin found each other in the eternal darkness—hallelujah! Now, it is impossible to forget each other. Amen. Your desire to unite is a desire to fulfill your most precious goal—to heal your feelings of abandonment, and as you heal, you are able to hold ever increasing LOVE that lifts all of humanity up.

You are not alone in this endeavor. Your fellow Twin Flames are here with you, and our love can overcome anything and everything, so let’s do this and never look back at our hardships! We are not victims of separation—we chose to separate in order to ultimately unite so that we would Ascend our very world! Never forget this, brave fellow Twin on earth.

Infinite LOVE,

Suzanne & Spencer

Special shout out to T.C. for inspiring us to write again : )